DevLog 1 - The Humble Beginnings

Tasked with creating something akin to a traditional Pokemon game, we drew inspiration from a beloved childhood title released on the Gameboy Advance SP, Pokemon FireRed. From looking at the various regions and diverse catalog of wild Pokemon to its complex battle system this project will serve as a blissful modern and twisted take on such a gem.

That being said, the first task of any game requires a player, movement, and most importantly, assets to get things moving along. Finding assets to get this project on the road was quite daunting but we did manage to find something reminiscent of that classic Pokemon Fire Red vibe, created by the wonderful PixyMoon (

From there it was as simple as importing, slicing, and assigning those assets to the player, an assortment of NPCs, and the map through tilemaps! It was my first time using tilemaps and getting a feel for organizing the tiles, layering tilemaps, and creating collisions for different layers to work against the player was a fulfilling task. 

That is a wrap on this first DevLog and milestone. Join us on our journey to recreate our version of a classic. Linked somewhere in this post is a quick process of the procedures accomplished to achieve this work-in-progress title! See you soon!

- Raphael Flores (Pakosshi) and Ali Meghji (buklaw21)


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